For decades, dairy producers have recognized the struggle their herds experience through the summer months. Heat stress has been known to negatively impact milk yield as much as 40% if the heat and humidity
Equipped with traits such as efficiency, health, and longevity, dairy producers now have access to more knowledge about breeding traits as they engage in the sire selection process
Biosecurity may be more top-of-mind than ever in dairy herds in light of how industry practices are changing in reaction to the presence of the H5N1 virus in dairy cows
Happy June Dairy Month! A lot of cheese surely made it onto burgers over Memorial Day weekend, and the warm summer weather will drive plenty of ice cream consumption at various celebrations in the coming...
When you’re out on the farm updating identification tags on animals, it can get disorganized when you’re looking through a pile of ear tags that you’re pulling from your pocket
This past February, I had the opportunity to speak at a series of meetings organized by the University of Wisconsin Extension reproduction and genetics work group that we called the “Reproduction...
The detergent system of forage analysis, which was developed by Peter Van Soest at Cornell University, involves boiling forages in neutral or acid detergents
Dairy farmers and dairy groups have a healthful and valuable product to promote, and thanks to those efforts, the majority of people can cite that dairy is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein...
After years of back-and-forth between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and USDA about which group should regulate these animals and how, the FDA announced guidance that it will lead the charge and...